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April Tarot-Scopes



The stars bring a lot of grounded fiery energy this month with Aries season and Taurus half away. We have a few opportunities to start new projects thanks to Aries but maybe more homey creative one because Taurus, of course. We have the communication planet Mercury in Aries and Taurus, Aries New Moon, Venus in Taurus, Taurus season, Mars in Cancer and dios mio so much more! Do not panic they are all beautiful events for self transformation and growth. Ready to mastermind your journey con las estrellas? Find your sign and be inspired to live your sweetest life.


Aries March 21 - April 19: Fiery nena starting April 3rd Mercury is in our sign, the leader of the pack. Yeah we are first but don't let this energy make you a bossy talker. Hold space to be calladita, and take the lead when it's something you know 100%. We also have the New Moon in our sign on the 11th, a great time to manifest new goals that we can work hard for all year long and not just for the next season. On April 14th Venus will be in Taurus till May 8th, use that goddess of amor energy to not just take the next step in love, but to take care of you. Treat yourself! So things can get serious under this astro event or if you're single go out mija, find your future bae! Taurus season starts on the 19th so we pass the torch and try to be more grounded and chill after all that fire energy we burned. A great way to use both our fuego and earthy vibras is under the Mars in Cancer event starting the 23rd till June 11th. One good thing is creating new projects relatable to home like decor, at home business or working with family. But do make sure to get some nature in you because being too much at home can build up fights. On April 26 we have the Scorpio full moon, an intuitive time to have all the feels about vulnerability and opening up. Can we use this phase to gain clarity on someone that's hard to read? Absolutely! Finally, at the end of the month (the 27th) Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn till October 6th, this is the time for some beautiful soul-searching. Will something finally reveal "my purpose"? This is also the time for some inner work and face the mysterious shadow.

Taurus April 20 - May 20: Taurus this is your month, your season and your time to teach everyone how to stay home and enjoy the chancla vibras! But can a Mars in Cancer (4/23-6/11) rain on your home parade? Maybe, just learn to have a good balance of enjoying home activities and going outside for some vitamin D will do. On the 11th we have the Aries New Moon, a phase to manifest new goals but make sure they are goals that are grounded to your values. Then from the 14th till May 8th Venus is in your sign! This transit will inspire others to live in luxury like ya'll do so it will come easy for you to indulge more but also this is the right time to take a relationship to the next level.

Gemini May 21 - June 20: Gemini use that inner Aries fire to communicate your niche from April 3rd-19th. Make sure not to clash with others, offer space for communication and listen. Celebrate the Aries New Moon on the 11th with some new intentions! What does your airy soul seek? Is it still connected to your 2021 goals? It's ok to set new ones, just make sure they come with mucho mucho amor. Geminis that are in some entanglement are about to get serious thanks to Venus in Taurus from 4/14-5/8 it's a transit that can help us see who deserves all your attention. The 19th we start Taurus season, this is the time to feel more grounded with your goals. This isn't the time to switch or go back on your decisions Gemini. Use this season to stick to your guns! Mars in Cancer from 4/23-5/11 can be a great time for you to destress by starting some new creative hobbies but also finding a good balance of staying in with the fam and going out with the squad (safely). Finally, the Scorpio full moon can bring some clarity to things you were not 100% on. Meditate under this phase to gain a clear message.

Cancer June 21 - July 22: Watery sis let's enjoy all the fiery, earthy energy this month to help live your best life. April 3rd till the 19th Aries in Mercury will have a lot of strong hard head chusmas trying to over talk and command the room, but use your soft gentle self to inspire them to tone it down and give you room to speak. On the 11th we have the Aries New Moon and it's a perfect time to recheck that goals list to make sure it's aligned to what you love. Then on the 14th till May 8th Venus in Taurus is all about doing loving things for our higher self so you're open to receive more love. This transit is also great if you're ready to settle down with a special someone. On the 19th we get grounded with Taurus season, work headstrong on your goals and seek earthly pleasures. Stay dedicated to work hard on your long term goals and everything will manifest in time! Mars in your sign from 4/23-5/3 brings some intense energy at home. Keep it cool by having some fun family time but also step outside for some vitamin D. Family at times can become overwhelming especially under this transit. The Scorpio full moon beams clarity on a foggy area. Is it time to open up and be vulnerable? Someone might be with you!

Leo Jul 23 - August 22: Leo, use the spring time to manifest your newly intentions. April 11th the Arie New Moon is here to help you achieve your passions so make sure it sparks your fire. Venus in Taurus on the 14th-May 8th also has a lot of passion and energy to do things we love! If you've been putting yourself out there for love this transit will help you get ese anillo. Then Taurus season starts on the 19th which will help you get ground with the new intentions you're towards. Taurus also inspires to indulge more, take care of our inner self and just live in lux. So feel free to splurge a bit on yourself. The Scorpio full moon will help you see clearly in a certain blinding area of your journey. Be open to vulnerability and listen to your emotions.

Virgo August 23 - September 22:Mercury in Aries can make it hard for the “know it all” Virgo to stay hush. For April 3rd till the 19th we might feel the urge to over speak, but remember to only do so in the areas you are an expert in. Let others do so as well. Earthy mija this spring season will help you flourish beautifully! April 11th the new moon in Aries is the time to manifest new intentions because it's in the leader sign (Aries) and the first season of the equinox. All good starter energy that amplifies your goals. You'll have some time to relax and take care of yourself under the Venus in Taurus transit starting 4/19-5/8. The first half might be goal oriented but don't worry you'll have lots of self care, spa, and luxurious pampering! It's all about being super extra and loving it! Taurus season (starts the 19th) amplifies that lux energy so yeah the universe wants this month to be all about you indulging more. But do stay curious for clarity. The Scorpio full moon will shine some light in the dark. Is there something that isn't quite clear to you? Meditate with this moon phase so your inner self gives you some answers.

Libra September 23 - October 22: Libra, learn to balance your communication scales during the Mercury in Aries on the 3rd till the 19th. Some heads might bud because people will want to be the louder voice. Don't argue with them, dejala...just learn when to pitch in and listen. Aries New Moon arrives to manifest new goals but make sure to really voice your wishes! From the 19th till May 8th Venus in Taurus shines some splurge on me time, and you my scale tipping friend can learn to balance real friendships and acquaintances. But also if someone can be more than just friends. Taurus season starts on the 19th as well, so the Earthy sign can help you get grounded and work consistently towards your big picture. Finally, the Scorpio full moon can unfoegg your mind if you still can't balance your scales. Stay still and trust the moon will reveal the truth to you.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21: Spring time and Aries season are here to get you excited to manifest alignment into your journey. Get excited to cultivate prosperity which your intuition has been hollering for! April 11th new moon in Aries is pouring new goal energy but ones that you've been thinking about. Listen to your intuition and go big! Then Mercury enters Taurus from the 19th - May 3rd, make solid game plans for la luna goals you're trying to manifest and stay focused. This astro event is helpful for investing immensely on your big dreamy goals, so prioritize realistic plans, crunch the numbers and get to work! Taurus season starts on the 19th, it will help you stay grounded especially on goals that secure the bag. Al fin, the only Full Moon in your sign of 2021 will be on the 26th, be ready to express yourself and maybe show some vulnerability. It's ok to trust others and open up about how you truly feel. Or even hear how a certain someone feels about you. Yes people have feelings and so do you Scorpio! Let go of the mystery and let truth shine through.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21: Fiery hermana let's enjoy the fire season, spring time and then get grounded once your passionate intentions are out there! April 3rd - 19th Mercury in Aries can cause a lot of fire signs to take the lead too strongly. Especially when group discussions occur, remember to let others shine too! The Aries new moon on the 11th is the start of goals that come with passionate intentions. Are you excited and motivated to work really hard towards your manifestations?! Mercury in Taurus (from the 19th- may 3rd) can help you create that focus and put more energy into making things happen. Revisit all your goals and pick which one is filled with more passion. Taurus season starts on the 19th. It should make it easy for you to work consistently on your projects. Then the Scorpio full moon on the 26th will bring more clarity towards your passions. Meditate under the moon, feel the dreamy emotions, and use that energy to amplify your manifestations.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19: Capricorn this month fire and earth energy is what we need to set you up for the perfect primavera. April 3rd-19th Mercury in Aries guides us to communicate more in the areas you're talented in. At the same time, let others have their moments when necessary. The Aries New Moon on the 11th brings us to reminisce on your season (the beginning of 2021). Are we still excited to manifest NYE goals or are there new ones brewing deep down? Taurus season starting on the 19th helps us smooth out these thoughtful manifestations. We get to invest more energy into the ones that are really worthy for the long run "security" we seek. With that said, Mercury in Taurus can help us prioritize which dreams are meant to be and which ones need more evaluations. When it comes to relationships maybe the Scorpio full moon can shine some light. Is there anyone you feel more attached to? Is there anyone we need to forgive and open up to? This luna phase is amazing to help us open up and be vulnerable.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18: This spring season and the earthy vibras this month can bring your airy spirit to a much needed intuitive flow. The Aries New Moon on the 11th offers hard work and dedication towards your goals, but also taking the lead more passionately. From the 19th till May 3rd Mercury in Taurus helps you decipher your priorities and what can stay on hold. The 19th as well we enter Taurus season so enjoy the grounding vibras that's going to deliver us back from the crazy energetic field Aries brought. Use this season to take it slow, check what needs more attention and invest in that. At the end of the month (26th) the Scorpio full moon will beam its glow on us. Is there a situation you're not sure how it'll develop? Or if someone around has been fully honest? Ask in meditation and you will receive clarity.

Pisces February 19 - March 20:Intuitively mermaids feel the springtime vibrations creating loving manifestations this month. Aries New Moon on the 11th is the night to look at la luna and connect with taking the lead in your journey and cultivate new goals. Venus in Taurus from April 14th - May 8th is the time to connect with your inner diosa, pamper her, feed that love energy and who knows you might take the next big step in your love journey. We enter Taurus season on the 19th so here's where you connect with the earth and ground yourself deep. Ask your spirit, "what do we need to invest in more now?" and shift to that energy. Mainly because from the 19th- May 3rd Mercury in Taurus will test your prioritization. Are you really choosing the right dream goals? Then on the 26th we have the only Scorpio full moon bringing clarity to our foggy emotions. Feel the energy, follow your true intentions and express them.


Fire sign Tarot Card: 3 of wands- Use all this Aries and spring time to manifest does goals you're passionate about! They will lead to the big picture so stay steady on security.

Earth Sign Tarot Card: The Magician- You are your own creator. Use this spring season to focus on only manifesting your truth. What do you really want? Is that in alignment to your spirit? Remember to focus only on positive outcomes. We don't need no negative shi*!

Air Sign Tarot Card: The Sun- This month is full of only focusing on happiness, and what makes you happy. Be guided by your emotions. If it feels good then say yes, if it doesn't then say no. You are on the path to bring new light into your life enjoy the rays of the sun and feel the nourishments.

Water Sign Tarot Card: 6 of Swords- Journey onto the distance. Travel for does big goals, soon you will drift from the troubled waters and into new land. Can your goals take you to distance? Absolutely!


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