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Crystal, crytsal magic, crystal healing, sound healing, singing bowls, latina healer, latin magic, bruja, miami bruja, nyc tarot reader, Los Angeles tarot reader, Los Angeles bruja, brujx, latinx



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Ready to reconnect with your higher self? Manifest your dreams? Live in alignment to your true calling? Then let's work together! I promise to help you stay on a positive loving path so you live your best life.


If you have issues with manifestations like not attracting the right partner, creating abundance, feeling like you don't know your purpose therefore you feel're more likely right. You are stuck and blocked but my unique healing services will help realign you onto the right path! 


I can also ask the tarot for guidance as to why your goals are not manifesting for you. At the same time if you wish just to ask the tarot how will things work out for certain situations, they will bring clarity. The tarot will predict the most probable outcome based on where you are on your journey right now.


Check out my services and see which one speaks to you. If you're not sure contact me with your concerns and I will help you.


Namaste mi gente!



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