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Sound Healing



Stepping into the witchy life brings so much magic! It introduces you to so many unique forms of magic that each serve a purpose. Some in particular are here to help us heal, balance and reset our inner selves. In some way, they all help us be better versions of ourselves. Therefore you can't go wrong on your spiritual journey, just evolve much higher! Sound healing in particular is a new favorite of mines, which I am now offering to mi gente as part of my healing services. If you're not familiar with sound healing keep reading to learn more!

Sound healing is a restorative practice for your soul. Just like anything in the witchy realm, sound healing comes in many forms. Specifically in different instruments and music. In general, sound healing is using sound frequencies to rebalance your chakras. More importantly the divine instruments vibrate at 432hz which is the same frequency as nature's vibration. So by listening to 432hz sounds or music you are one with nature.

"So what are the benefits of me getting into sound healing?"

  1. 432hz helps relieve stress and anxiety so you are more calm plus relaxed

  2. It balances your chakras so you don't have any kind of blockage

  3. You are one with nature (the universe) so you can manifest like a real divine goddess

  4. It helps release serotonin and endorphins, which in turn keeps your blood pressure and heart rate stable.

I particularly have been working with singing bowls that are tune to 432hz frequencies. They are actual bowls made of quartz crystal and in alignment to certain chakras or universal healing of the soul. The practitioner can play the instruments as their intuitive spirit please, and get real creative with the rhythm. I definitely play as I please and follow my intuition while in each session and with individual. My chakra singing bowl is for the heart space (see below), if you have love then you are rich my friend! Everything will follow soon after. If you are interested in receiving a sound healing sessions to help clear blockage, rebalance your chakras so you can manifest anything....reach out and let's make magic happen together!


My singing bowl and tuning forks! (They also help with connecting with natures frequencies)

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